DPWT South African Open & Australian Open 2023 + PGA Hero World Challenge
Australian gent raising a glass of bubbles for great first week in the mainland.

DPWT South African Open & Australian Open 2023 + PGA Hero World Challenge

DPWT South African Open & Australian Open 2023 + PGA Hero World Challenge 2023. Here's our preview, stats analysis and betting picks.
Chairman's note: We continue building this week and did data for 3 different competions. These can be seen at the Tools page.

Last week was a amazing success.

We landed both winners and Joburg Open delivered with really short contender list when Lawrence struggled the last day. In Australia we had a phenomenal 6/9 guys in top 10 and cashouts were +50% before every round.

Models are working, but this week is hard with really odd competitions in Bahamas and Australia (with 2 course layout with no recent history).

This week we share our models rankings and data in Tools section. The column with "Pick" has the selections and we aim to take 50unit payout with minimum betsize of 0.5 unit. We also add refreshed sheets below for easier betting experience. Note that we might change our lines during first round and in-play picks might be different at the end. We'll start to share these changes live to members when we have enough systems in place.

We highly recommend previews and materials from https://betting.betfair.com/golf/ if you want to read about courses and whatnot.

Betting card for the week

Note that the odds we show are the ones we took / keep live until 2nd round. The ones not filled are the X marks in in-play column.

We might play these selections in top 10 /& top 20 market, but at the moment of writing these are really low in liquidity which mostly makes the prices too steep.

Hero World Challenge:

Winner market selections for Hero, covering around 20% of market.

DPWT - South African Open:

Winner market selections for SO Open, covering around 30% of the market

DPWT - Australian Open:

Winner market selections for Australian Open, covering about 20% of the market

Good luck!